iMist™ Fire Suppression Servicing & Maintenance

Annual servicing will ensure that your iMist™ Fire Suppression system is working as efficiently as possible and will continue to protect you and your family as well as saving you money on repairs.


Did you know you can spread the
cost of your annual service with
our monthly payment plans?

Continued Protection With Annual Servicing

Our iMist™ Servicing support team are always on hand to talk through any questions you may have. During your service, we will ensure your system is in correct working order by carrying out work such as:

Downloading and updating all the internal software of the pump unit.
Running and testing the pump unit, including the alarm sounder.
Testing, checking, cleaning and replacing the strainer, if necessary.
Visually checking layouts and nozzles in accordance with the original installation.
iMist installed a fire suppression system in a family home in Birmingham imist servicing

It is a legal requirement to maintain life safety equipment. Systems failing to activate could result in criminal proceedings under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 England and Wales or The Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

The Benefits of Annual Servicing with iMist™

In addition to fulfilling the legal requirement to service fire safety equipment, iMist™ offer a range of benefits including the following:

Up to 10 years warranty

Service your iMist™ system with us annually and get up to 10 years pump warranty.

Professional Service

We are proud of our iMist™ servicing department; they will ensure minimal disruption.

Monthly Payment Options

Spread the cost of your annual service with our monthly payment scheme.

Extension Flexibility

We are one of only a few systems that can be easily upgraded if your property is extended.

Book your Annual Water Mist Fire Suppression Service Today

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